To stand up! To rise to action! And to inherit the mentor’s fearlessness in the face of obstacles and persecution in the stand-alone spirit! ~ Daisaku Ikeda
Rescue Johor Incident Editorial by Jeweled Sword 柔佛正义组观点 宝剑社论 Nichiren Daishonin and Sensei had long warned against ‘worms born of the lion’s body’. During his exile on Sado, Nichiren Daishonin declared that it is not external enemies that can undermine Buddhism, but rather ‘worms born of the lion’s body’—that is, enemies found among the ranks of the Buddha’s disciples themselves. We must never forget this as we advance kosen-rufu. This sort of thing is certain to happen in the future as well. When it does, genuine disciples will stand up decisively and fight against it. [NHR Vol 30, Awaiting the Time] However, when the very leaders who are supposed to advance kosen-rufu without begrudging their lives succumb to arrogance and possessed by the devil king of the six heaven, it is time for the genuine disciples to stand up and fight against it. THE OPPRESSED STANDING UP Yet this battle will not be without its challenges. As top leaders, they possess official channels of dissemination, through which they manipulate and brainwash the members, even resorting to audacious statements like, "If you are not following the GD, you are not practicing Nichiren Buddhism." They distort Sensei's teachings to consolidate absolute power over the members. The members of the RJ2 movement were left with no alternative but to utilize social media and platforms like Daylight and Quiet Revolution to disseminate their side of the story. Without these channels, their perspective would remain unheard by the SGM members and the wider world. Astonishingly, the SGM GD likened these actions as committing the 5th cardinal sin of disrupting the harmonious unity of the believer, completely oblivious to fact that they are the ones who are committing the cardinal sins through their authoritarian and oppressive methods of silencing dissent and demanding unquestioning obedience. In one of the HQ leaders meeting, Sensei said, The Soka Gakkai is an organization of lions. “Lion” is a symbol for the oneness of mentor and disciple. Both the mentor and the disciple must boldly keep on winning. I have fought like a lion all my life. And I have won. I want the youth to fight like lions too, and triumph in every struggle. I am counting on you! The comrades in Malaysia, the courageous members of the Rescue Johor movement, have demonstrated the spirit of true lions, standing up against the despotic and tyrannical top leaders, just as Sensei instructs. GREAT LION'S ROAR In the lecture on The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings, Sensei says: The wish of the lion king—the Buddha—as taught in Nichiren Buddhism is to triumph over every manner of devilish function and enable all people to realize happiness through the great lion’s roar that has the power to move everything in a positive direction. Nichiren teaches us here that the essence of this lion’s roar is the shared struggle of mentor and disciple. My mentor, second Soka Gakkai President Josei Toda, not only spoke out for the truth with a lion’s roar himself but also often urged the youth division: “Kosen-rufu is a struggle of words, so you, too, should tirelessly speak out!” and “We are in the right, so just speak the truth exactly as it is!” ETERNAL VOW - SHARED STRUGGLE OF MENTOR & DISCIPLE Although the RJ leaders are no longer part of SGM, this in no way diminishes their status as Sensei's true disciples. Let us remember that it is precisely in the spirit of mentor and disciples that disciples stand up to safeguard the purity of the Law and expose any deviations, even when they emanate from the top leaders within the organization. Fighting against evil functions is the way to accumulate benefit and attain Buddhahood. No one can destroy the bonds of mentor and disciples. Their actions will continue to inspire and empower others to stand up for what is right, shaping the future of faith organizations acting as wise citizenry. We wish NBA members all the best as they continue to walk this shared vow of mentor and disciple! 柔佛正义组观点
宝剑社论 日莲大圣人与先生不时地提醒我们 “狮子身中之虫” 流放佐渡期间,日莲大圣人宣称,能破坏佛教的不是外敌,而是 “师子身中之虫“——即佛的弟子。 推进广宣流布绝不能忘记这一点。这种事态今后也会发生,那时候毅然挺身,与恶奋战到底的,就是真弟子 。 [NHR 第 30 卷,雌伏] 然而,本应不惜生命地做广布的干事们,当遭受到第六天魔王诱惑,这正是真正的弟子们站出来 奋战与抗衡的时候。 为正义站立 然而,这并非没有重重困难。 作为最高干部,他们拥有官方的传播渠道,通过这些渠道他们对成员进行操纵和洗脑,甚至大胆地说出“如果你不遵从 GD(理事长),你就不是在修行日莲佛法”。 他们歪曲先生的教导,以加强对成员的绝对权力。 RJ2(Rescue Johor) 运动的会员别无选择,只能利用 Daylight 和 Quiet Revolution 等社交媒体平台来分享关于这起事件。 如果没有这些渠道,SGM 成员和广大的民众将无法听到RJ2的观点。 令人惊讶的是SGM GD 将这些行为比作于五逆罪之一的破和合僧,完全不理会其实是高级干部 的独裁和压迫众人绝对的服从。 在一次的总部会上,先生说到: 学会本应是一群狮子的组织。 “狮子”是师弟不二的象征。 师弟必須要堂堂前进。 我一生就像狮子一样地奋斗, 我赢了。 我希望青年也能像狮子一样战斗,在每一次奋斗中都取得胜利。 我拜托你们了! 马来西亚的同志们,勇敢的RJ运动成员,展现了真正的狮子精神,按照先生的指导,站出来反对专制和暴虐的最高干部。 狮子吼 在教导御义口传时,先生这么分享: 日莲佛法所教示的狮子王(也就是佛)的誓愿是,通过能让万物向善的伟大狮子吼,战胜一切魔,使所有人获得幸福。 日莲在这里教导我们,这狮吼的本质是与师共战。 我的恩师,创价学会第二任会长户田城圣,不仅亲自以狮子吼为正义而活,还时常叮嘱青年部,“广宣流布是对话的辩论,你们也应该不厌其烦地说出真相! ” 和“是我们的权益,所以只说实话吧!” 永恒的誓愿 – 师弟攻占 虽然RJ的干事已不再是SGM的一份子,但这丝毫没有削弱他们作为先生的真正弟子。 让我们记住,正是本着师弟的精神,弟子们站起来维法的清流并揭露任何偏差(即使偏差来自组织内的最高干部)。 对抗魔,是积福成佛之道。 没有人能够破坏师弟的纽带。 他们的行动将继续激励和自主他人为了正义挺身而出,塑造作出未来信仰组织的明智世界公民。 我们祝 NBA 成员在继续实践师弟的共同誓愿时一切顺遂。
Our AimMaintaining the pure flow of kosen-rufu in Buddha Soka Gakkai.
June 2022
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OUR AIMSMaintaining the pure flow of kosen-rufu in Buddha Soka Gakkai.